Jacob@MapleAirsoftSupply.ca - Please welcome David to the MAS team. Reach out to him by messaging us on Facebook/IG or the chat box on the website.
Jacob@MapleAirsoftSupply.ca - Please welcome David to the MAS team. Reach out to him by messaging us on Facebook/IG or the chat box on the website.
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MAS Magic Pin
Maple Armouries

MAS Magic Pin

Regular price $8.95 $0.00 Unit price per

2025-01-24 now in stock

The MAS Magic Pin is a 3 piece screw in body pin for M4 AEG. As the screw is tightened the middle of the pin expands to provide full lockup against both receivers.

It's also useful for AEGs with a worn down pin hole or upper receiver wobble.

We are working to implement the Magic Pin on the upcoming Marauder, Blackout, and Vanguard series AEGs.

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