Jacob@MapleAirsoftSupply.ca - Please welcome David to the MAS team. Reach out to him by messaging us on Facebook/IG or the chat box on the website.
Jacob@MapleAirsoftSupply.ca - Please welcome David to the MAS team. Reach out to him by messaging us on Facebook/IG or the chat box on the website.
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Welcome to the MAS FAQ! Please feel free to get in touch if you have a question not covered below. I will continue to add popular questions for easy reference.

Product Questions

What makes Maple Armouries AEGs Unique?

MAS AEGs use standard, non-proprietary gearboxes built with aftermarket components in order to provide a true pre-upgraded experience out of the box.

The parts list for each model is optimized to provide a combination of performance, value, and durability typically unheard of from competitors.

What is the difference between the Blackout and the Marauder?

Internally, the Marauder uses a polymer piston head and cylinder head as well as a brass cylinder. The Marauder uses these parts because they are low stress and economical without sacrificing durability. 

Externally, The Marauder uses a polymer receiver. Marauders made before 2022 use a polymer buffer tube assembly as well.

Other aluminum receiver models like the Vanguard use the same internals as the Blackout.

Can I use an 11.1v battery?

Yes, absolutely. An 11.1v Li-Ion or LiPo battery with Deans connector is recommended for all models.

The ideal LiPo battery for the buffer tube is a 1450mah 11.1v 30-60c Stick with Deans connector. 

The ideal Li-Ion battery for the crane stock is a 2000mah 11.1v 15-30c Nunchuck with Deans connector.

Li-Ion batteries trade burst discharge for increased power density. They are great for high torque builds like MAS AEGs but they should be avoided for high speed builds generally. 

What are the benefits of the Jefftron Leviathan ETU upgrade?

In a typical V2/V3 gearbox, the trigger is attached to a piece of metal on a trolley that completes the circuit when pulled. The system is powered momentarily to complete the cycle and the piston is left to run until it comes to rest. The location where the piston stops between shots will typically vary.

The Leviathan Electronic Trigger Unit (ETU) by Jefftron replaces that trolley system with a microswitch actuated by the trigger and optical sensors to precisely time the gears with a feature called cycle completion. Through the Bluetooth App for Android and iOS, the position where the piston terminates can be adjusted with a feature called pre-cocking.

By programming the ETU to terminate the piston in its cocked position, the cycle time for the next shot will be nearly instantaneous because the gears only need to wind up and release a small portion of the piston teeth every time rather than potentially the full length of the piston.


We will repair or replace any internal part damaged by a manufacturing or assembly defect indefinitely. You can send the AEG in for diagnosis and repair or provide evidence to have the part shipped to you. This information will be shared with the factory in order to improve the craftsmanship of the product.

Non warranty repairs can be completed for a modest fee based on the scope of the work. We do not service or upgrade other brands of AEG.

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